I’m so happy – I finally had a chance to sew for myself! I took the week between Christmas and New Year off from the daycare and decided that was the time to sew my new diaper bag and Mei Tai.
It took me a whole day to do the MT (Mei Tai) – because of interruptions and because I was making up the pattern. I’d taken ideas from a couple of different online patterns and MTs I’d seen for sale on a few sites to come up with my own MT. I absolutely LOVE how it turned out! I used 3 layers in the construction so the places where the straps are sewn on wouldn’t show. I also added bamboo velour to the inside where Little Guy’s head would be, and did the bottom strap as one long piece. The only thing I’d change is to add a pocket in the inside that I could stuff the MT into when I’m not using it. I plan to make a bag with the wavy fabric for this one, and try a pocket on the next one.

Front and Back – with bamboo velour
The diaper bag took two days, but if I’d had a whole day to sew and had a pattern with directions I could have done it in one day. To make the patern I searched out directions for backpacks and looked at lots and lots of diaper bags for detail and accessory ideas. I wanted a backpack style like the one I was replacing, but since we usually slung the bag from one shoulder I decided to do a single strap instead of the traditional two. I think it turned out great! I did a drawstring closure at the top, and still need to get a magnetic snap for the flap.

Front and Back – the strap has touchtape to make it adjustable

Inside… yep, I accidentally did the lining with the zebras upside-down. Oops!
I made matching accessories too: A changing pad with sherpa inside – it’s supposed to tie shut with a black ribbon, but I can’t find it.. A wet bag – the zipper turned out so awesome that I had to take a close-up of it, and A wipes case that will also get a black bow decoration when I find that ribbon.

I’m going to list all the patterns and directions that I found during my search in my Make Your Own… resources when I have time.