Natural Dyes for Easter Eggs?

Every year Teacher and I find directions for dyeing Easter eggs with natural dyes and every year we say “We should try that!” but so far we haven’t. When it’s Saturday afternoon and we’re faced with six excited kids bouncing off the walls, at least three dozen hardboiled eggs to…

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Little Guy’s First Haircut

I gave in. I didn’t want to, but I had to admit it was time. The girls had been saying “Mom, he needs one, he looks like a girl!” for weeks but I didn’t care. His hair was so soft and fine, with ends that curled up around his ears…

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The Joys of Home Ownership

Teacher and I lived in rentals for the first 12 years of our marriage and couldn’t wait to get our own home. We would get so frustrated whenever we had to call our landlord with a problem because we had to wait for the landlord to send the company maintenance…

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Sunday Afternoon

Our house was was relatively quiet; all I could hear the fish tank’s gentle gurgling and the TV murmuring in the other room. I grabbed the camera to capture this moment for all posterity – it’s not often that our house is so quiet! Little Guy was fast asleep on…

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Basketball Photos

Warning – the photos you’re about to see aren’t my best but I’m posting them anyway. If you don’t like ’em don’t look. I’m not a photographer and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Back in high school I took Photography and really enjoyed it; I even remember some of…

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Today’s Task

Keeping up with housework is hard when you have children, especially when your children are young. Little Guy and Z-Man sometimes go into Tornado Mode – whirling through the house at breakneck speed, leaving a trail of destruction behind them. When you add in the extra work, mess and lack…

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ABC Quiz

What do Asparagus, Brussels sprouts and Clam chowder have in common? Humming the theme from Jeopardy… They’re all foods that my family has had for dinner the past three nights. Not only that, they’re all foods that most of my children like – no kidding! Angel Face isn’t fond of…

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Sledding with the Boys

I can’t remember the last time there was enough snow to go sledding over Christmas Break, so this year we took advantage of it. Teacher, Uncle Jay, and I braved the Wisconsin cold to take Jo-Bear, Z-Man, and Little Guy sledding. We would have taken the older kids too, but…

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Diaper Washing Day

I washed my diapers today and am a little nervous about it. Yeah, technically they’re Little Guy’s diapers but since I’m the one who loves them I get to call them MINE. Since I wash diapers about every other day it’s usually not a big deal, but today I used…

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Snot-Freezin’ Cold

It’s been “snot-freezin’ cold” for the past few days and I’ve had enough already. You know snot-freezin’ cold, don’t you? When you walk out outside and feel the snot in your nose freeze as you breathe. Yeah, that’s snot-freezin’ cold. Spring, where are you?! Photo Credit:

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