Jim Settles In

Well, it’s been over a week and things aren’t nearly as stressful as I thought they would be to have a foreign guest. Jim is the teacher from Thailand that we’re hosting until the end of April. My two biggest fears were that he’d be hungry all the time because…

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I Feel Stupid

I love Burt’s Bees Buttermilk Baby Bath How’s that for a tongue-twister?! but I also like to support fellow WAHMs (aka Work at Home Moms). So when we ran out of the Burt’s Bees I decided to buy some buttermilk baby bath from a WAHM. I found 8 oz of…

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They’re Here!

Saturday morning dawned cloudy, cold, and snowy. Snowy?! Yep, 32 degrees and snowy. Welcome to Spring in Wisconsin. When the girls and I went to band at 8 am the windshield was covered with ice and snow and we shivered until the heat kicked in. Aside from complaining that I…

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How Cleaning was a Godsend

Wednesday night Teacher had class so Princess, Angel Face, Jo-Bear and I cleaned the upstairs whiled Z-Man and Little Guy enjoyed a Little Einsteins marathon. Cleaning went uneventfully aside from the minor bickering between Angel Face and Jo-Bear -for some reason everything each of them does bugs the other to…

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A Favor Worth “Mucho Margaritas”

“So, to add to your stress level…” Teacher said Tuesday night as he started making dinner, “Lynn asked us for a big favor today. She said she’d owe you mucho margaritas if we could do it.” Lynn, aka Seidel Sensei, is the Japanese teacher at Teacher’s school. Each of the…

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Twin Hamsters are Twin Cuteness!

Sunday we took Princess to the pet store to get a new hamster. I figured she’d avoid Teddy Bear and Panda varieties since they’d remind her of Marshmallow and Oreo, and was prepared to scout out where those hamsters were and steer her away from those cages. Luckily there were…

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Poor Little Oreo – Part 2

Princess cuddled Oreo all the way to the vet, stroking his head and alternating between telling him how much she loved him and worrying that she’d been a bad hamster mommy. I reassured her that she had taken good care of him but that sometimes things happen anyway and it’s…

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Poor Little Oreo – Part 1

We had a tragedy over the weekend – poor little Oreo died suddenly Friday night. We had “adopted” Oreo for Princess after her much-loved Marshmallow died of old age, and have only had him for about six months. Princess had looked forward to Oreo living as long as Marshmallow had…

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What are you Eating?! A Parenting Saga…

Sometimes being a parent really sucks. Like when one of your kids is naughty – really naughty – and you have to figure out what to do about it. My parents were good at this; they always seemed to come up with a consequence that fit the crime and hit…

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