I know I promised vacation photos next but since I haven’t had time to edit any – trust me, you do NOT want to see them before editing – I’m going to share a new WordPress theme I found instead!
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month and this Breast Cancer Awareness theme is the perfect way to spread the word and show support for the women who are struggling with breast cancer, as well as the people who love them.

I’ll bet that breast cancer has touched you in some way. Take a minute to think of your family and friends… if none of them has had breast cancer think about their family and friends. I’ll bet that someone within one of those groups has been diagnosed with breast cancer. My beloved grandma was diagnosed about eighteen months ago. A lumpectomy and intensive radiation treatments seem to have done the trick so far, thank heavens!
So spread the word! Show your love and support for the brave women struggling with breast cancer and the people who love them! Download the Breast Cancer Awareness theme during October, or all the time. It’s quick, easy and free!
wonderfull design, just increase the font size.
Thanks for the suggestion!
~Amy Sue