10 Ways to MOVE in March

Way back in January I applied to participate in the USDA’s Wellness Grant to improve the health of children in child care programs through better nutrition and increased physical activity. I believe I do a good job as far as nutrition and weekly menus go, but feel I need to…

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Have a Spring Fling!

Try some of these spring activities with your child, and relish the time spent together. Take a walk in the park and listen for the birds. Write your names with magnetic letters on the refrigerator door. Write a real-life “snail mail” letter to a friend or relative and mail it…

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Children Are…

Amazing, acknowledge them. Believable, trust them. Childlike, allow them. Divine, honor them. Energetic, nourish them. Fallible, embrace them. Gifts, treasure them. Here Now, be with them. Innocent, delight with them. Joyful, appreciate them. Kindhearted, learn from them. Lovable, cherish them. Magical, fly with them. Noble, esteem them. Open-minded, respect them.…

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Childhood Nutrition Training

Almost every month our Valley AEYC meeting includes continuing education, and last month’s training was Childhood Nutrition by my friend Dorothy and one of her co-workers, Sarah. When I met Dorothy eight years ago she was morbidly obese – weighing over 350 pounds – was diabetic, had high blood pressure,…

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Lots of Fun with a Little Fondue

It’s May, which means it’s Valley AEYC Annual Dinner time! This year the dinner was held at the Melting Pot – a fondue restaurant I’ve wanted to try for a while.   The committee chose a Pampering theme, and had a box of luscious truffles at each place setting.  …

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Homemade Bath Salts Recipe

When I posted about the homemade Mother’s Day card we made this year I mentioned that Mother’s Day had sneaked up on me so I was left scrambling for a card idea. Obviously I had to scramble for a gift idea too. I’m picky about the gifts I give to…

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Homemade Mother’s Day Card – 2011

Mother’s Day caught me off-guard this year. All of a sudden on Tuesday I realized that since I was closed on Thursday and Friday I had to have a homemade Mother’s Day card and gift ready to send home on Wednesday. Yikes!   I scoured my files and found the…

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I’m a Star!

“Star of the Region,” that is.   Let me start at the beginning… Several weeks ago I received a plain, brown envelope in the mail. It was from WFCCA, (Wisconsin Family Child Care Association) and I figured it was a reminder to renew my membership, or information about a special…

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