We rose
bright and early Saturday morning to get ready for competition. Obviously it’s early but few of us are “bright” at this time of the morning.
After breakfast runny eggs and soggy hash browns, with bacon good enough to make up for them Chuck led us in a brief devotion.
After giving last-minute instructions to the students he touched base with the chaperones while we waited for the bus.
After arriving at the school we had the students unpack their instruments, like always. Most of the time the schools don’t have a place to wait for our turn in the warm-up room so we have to stay outside – not much fun when it’s threatening to rain!
This year we lucked out; the school’s cafeteria was near the entrance, the band room where everyone warmed up and the gym where everyone performed.
It was much easier setting up all the percussion gear inside and moving it through hallways than setting it up outside and moving it across a parking lot like most years!
After our performance we posed for our traditional photo.
I like the silly one best.
Now the work is done it’s time to play – Great America, here we come!
To be continued… just one more part to go…
I am reminded of the old school, I became a member of the band and it was nice.
What did you play in band? College Boy and Irish Girl were percussionists, Princess played trombone, Angel Face plays sax, Jo-Bear is another percussionist, and the little boys want to be percussionists too.
Thanks for commenting!
~Amy Sue