Princess had to take Independent Living this semester in order to graduate. I think that’s funny because Princess already knows how to do laundry, wash dishes, cook, bake, and can sew a little. Teacher and I have been encouraging our children to be independent since they were little – even four-year-old Z-Man knows how to make a PBJ sandwich!
One of Princess’s assignments was to cook something at home and clean up afterward. She decided to make Carrot Cake because she didn’t know how to make cake “from scratch” and wanted to learn. I came into the process late but managed to snap a few photos anyway. Just ignore the messy kitchen in the background. Someday I’ll have a clean house… maybe. Keep reading to the end for the recipes.

The batter is ready for a final mix before baking. Our recipe calls for grated fresh carrots, crushed pineapple, coconut, and walnuts. We always use pecans instead of walnuts cuz we like them better.

Princess absolutely hates getting her hands yucky but greased the pan without complaining. She learned that it’s tricky to get shortening into all the crevices of a bundt pan.

I caught Princess licking off one of the beaters – check out that guilty look! She says the batter is yummy even before it’s baked.

I couldn’t remember if the cake had to be turned out right away or cool a bit first so I loosened the edges and had her turn it out right away. Part of it stuck – Oops! But you should have seen the family pounce on the bits that were stuck in the pan; it was a feeding frenzy!

Not everyone likes cream cheese frosting so Princess only frosted half of the cake and dusted powdered sugar on the other half. She dusted her belly with powdered sugar too!

Z-Man got to lick one of the frosting beaters, but he’s not sure if he likes it or not.

Little Guy couldn’t keep his hands off the cake. When I told him “No-no, hands off.” he pouted and said “Not hands off! Mine hands on!” He did stop touching it though.

Peanut helped out by sleeping the whole time. I wear her in the sling or mei tai a lot, and she seems to love it. I love it too.

Part of the assignment was cleaning up afterward and doing the dishes. I tried to convince Princess that ALL the dinner dishes had to be washed, but she didn’t buy it. She’s too smart for me.

This is my piece of carrot cake. I’d share some with you but I ate it all before posting the picture. I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m really not – it was soooo yummy! Now don’t get mad at me, use the recipes below to make your own carrot cake. I promise I won’t make you share it.
Fresh Carrot Cake
(My Great Recipes card #64)
For 1 nine or ten inch bundt cake you will need:
1 1/2 cups corn oil
1 3/4 cups sugar
3 eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups peeled & grated carrots
1 cup walnuts
1/2 cup flaked coconut
1 can (8 oz) crushed pineapple (well-drained)
1) Beat together corn oil, sugar & eggs until well combined.
2) In a separate bowl sift together flour, baking soda, salt & cinnamon.
3) Beat together with the sugar & egg mixture. Stir in vanilla. Mix well.
4) Add carrots, walnuts, coconut & pineapple. Mix until well blended. Pour batter into a greased & floured 9/10 inch bundt pan.
5) Bake at 350 for 1 hour or until tester comes out clean.
6) Cool on cake rack. Remove from pan. Cover with icing. Garnish with grated carrots & chopped nuts.
Cream Cheese Frosting:
2 8oz pkgs cream cheese
1 1/4C powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1) Soften the cream cheese and beat it until creamy.
2) Slowly beat in the powdered sugar
3) Add the vanilla extract and blend well.
Things we’d change next time:
- We’d substitute applesauce for the oil to make it more nutritious and less greasy.
- We’d use half whole wheat and half white flour for added nutrition and taste.
- We’d make 1/2 a recipe of frosting because it ended up being VERY thick.
- We’ll keep substituting pecans for walnuts cuz it tastes better that way.
Try the recipe yourself and let me know what you think!
Thank-you for posting this recipe! My mom once had a recipe like this and we lost it…I looked for awhile and yours is the only one that was close (if not exact) to what I was looking for (using corn oil, coconut and pineapple). This carrot cake is super delicious! Again Thank you : )
yummy…… thanks for the suggestions , i’d adore to follow your weblog as usually as i can.have a nice day~~