Last Saturday I spent most of the day at the Valley AEYC mini-conference. I’m co-chair with Nicole – she’s a family child care provider too, and one of my best friends.

This is Nicole making announcements at the beginning of the conference – doesn’t she look official?

We had
Professor Gizmo as keynote speaker and he was SO funny! He told us how to make one of these floaty balloon things with the guts of a Diaper Champ.
(New guts of course!)

These lovely ladies volunteered to help with a demonstration on sound waves – look how dry they are!
For now… Professor Gizmo struck a tuning fork to make it vibrate, then had the volunteers look closely as he lowered it into a cup of water. When the tuning fork hit the water the vibrations made the water shoot out all over!

Here’s their reaction, hee hee!
Besides Professor Gizmo we had other great workshops, like:

Puppets in the Classroom – I went to this one; Cassie and Mickey were really goofy and made us laugh a LOT.

Creating Classroom Books – I went to this one too and got some great ideas of books to do in
my child care.

Infant Sensory Experiences – I didn’t get to go to this one, but it looks like they had a ton of ideas.

Stepping Stones – I went to this one several years ago and made stepping stones as a Mother’s Day gift. All the moms loved them!
(I’ll post a “How to” after I find the concrete recipe)

Gardening with Children – Nicole walked her kids to her mom’s house to garden all summer, then they put together this workshop. It sounded like a lot of fun so I may try it next summer.

During the breaks between sessions we gave away a ton of cool door prizes. I won a winter theme book!
(The blue one in the back row, next to the dog…)

If that wasn’t enough, we had a delicious lunch – taco bar and BROWNIES!!!