Category Archives: Kids Co. Corner
Wool Dryer Balls – Natural Baby Toys
Reggio Emilia Environment – Transformation in Progress

I know I’ve mentioned it before, but I’m addicted to Pinterest and have collected more ideas than I know what do to with. My most recent Pinterest obsession started with photos of calm, beautiful, nature-filled environments with the label “Reggio” or “Reggio Emilia.” Reggio Emilia is a philosophy of education…
Homemade Pizza Fun
Choosing the Best Toys
At this time of the year many people who have children to buy for are looking for help choosing among the thousands of options. Since toys are the learning tools of children, it’s important to put some thought into choosing a toy instead of just picking the first thing you…
Dinosaurs Galore!
Children of all ages are fascinated with dinosaurs. Something about their gigantic size and the mystery surrounding their extinction has intrigued children – and adults – for generations. One way for parents to connect with their children is by being “in the know” about dinosaurs. Children appreciate their parents showing…
Family Fun in the Fall
Mother Nature provides an abundance of materials for fall family fun! The following activities won’t take a lot of time or cost a lot of money, but they will provide a great opportunity for some one-on-one time with your child. Waxed Leaves You’ll want to supervise this activity closely, but…
Child Care Curriculum
Ready for another section of my Parent Handbook? We started with a description of how the Handbook is organized, then I shared the history of my child care program, our daily routine, and a family child care job description. Next is a description of our curriculum. As with all parts…
When in Doubt, Say YES!
Do you find yourself automatically saying “No” to your kids all of the time? It’s an easy habit for parents to fall into; often we start saying “No” to our children when they’re just babies “No-no, that’s not safe for you…” As they get older we continue to say “No”…
Childhood Obesity Dos and Don’ts
It’s all over the news; Americans are getting fatter and fatter, and so are our children. Today more than 15% of children are overweight; are are in the first generation of Americans who are expected to have shorter lifespans than their parents. Overweight and obese children are at risk for…